High Power Density Rechargeable  Fuel Cell   NPL Associates, Inc  

NPL Associates, Inc. pioneered the NaBH4/H2O2 fuel cell technology in the United States. This type of fuel cell offers the following distinct advantages: 
  • Very high energy density of 1000 Whr/kg, experimentally achieved, which is about 4 times higher than the best primary battery available.
  • Very high volume power density of over 1kW/liter enabled by all-liquid reactants facilitating waste heat removal.
  • Very high efficiency, over 75% experimental, due to the fast kinetics of the peroxide cathode.
  • Passive regeneration is achieved, without using any pump, to an energy density of 65 Whr/kg.
  • Safe and stable storage of the reactant.
      a 500W-28V UIUC/NPL NaBH4/H2O2 FC during Assembly
       Background:          NPL Associates, under a DARPA SBIR contract, has demonstrated for the first time the feasibility and excellent performance of peroxide-based fuel cells. NPL has thereafter been awarded a DARPA Phase-II grant to continue on the regenerative version of this technology. More recently, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), jointly with subcontractors NPL, CU Aerospace and two NASA centers (JPL and GRC), was awarded a NASA BAA grant to further develop the technology related to NaBH4/H2O2 fuel cells

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